
Internal online assessment General medicine

IN UNIT DUTY:- 1 /MY LEARNING POINTS :-Around this case. (1) why his platelet count is reduced ? A:-Our patient was tested positive for NS 1. ACC to above article- "The drop in platelets is caused by a condition referred to as 'thrombocytopenia', which happens either via direct bone marrow suppression or by means of an autoimmune reaction and antibodies pushed into place. Thus, while the dengue virus in itself doesn't destroy the platelets, it can unleash complications which harm platelet function and count" (2)why this patient is having Anemia? A:- most possibly it can be nutritional anemia. 2/ A 12 yr old female with decreased HB levels (a) I assisted her in transfusion of blood. (b...

17 yr old female with Involuntary movements.

This is online E-blog, to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking her guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve the patients clinical problem with current best evidence based input. This E-blog also reflects my patient's centred online learning portfolio. I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "Patient Clinical Data Analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.    Our patient 17 yr old female born to consanginous parents studying 8th standard came to casuality  on 30/09/22 at 11Am with cheif complaints of involuntary movements of all 4 limbs associated with froathing from mouth & tongue bite present lasting for 4 mins of 2 episodes ...

22 yr old male with pain abdomen & Vomitings

22 year old male came with chief complaint of Vomitings since 3 days Loose stools since 3 days Pain abdomen since 2 days  HOPI: Pt was apparently assymptomatic 3 days back then developed vomitings 10 episodes per day which contained food contents and was associated with nausea. Loose stools 10 episodes on first day and 4-5 episodes on second day which were watery in consistency, non sticky, non foul smelling, non blood stained. Diffuse pain abdomen non radiating. PAST HISTORY:  No similar complaints in the past Not a k/c/o DM,htn,tb,asthma,epilepsy  3 yrs back patient developed fever was diagnosed as typhoid 3 months back patient developed fever was diagnosed as dengue fever  PERSONAL HISTORY: He is a student Consumes vegetarian diet Appetite reduced Bowel n bladder regular  Sleep disturbed because of pain Addictions: Nil FAMILY HISTORY: No similar complaints in family  GENERAL EXAMINATION: Pt is conscious, coherent and cooperative  Moderately built an...